Ecomdash can be connected to ShipStation using three methods depending on your needs. First, adding ShipStation as a storefront allows ecomdash to perform order management for ShipStation. Once added as a storefront, sales orders in ShipStation can be shared with ecomdash. Second, adding ShipStation as a warehouse/converting an existing warehouse allows ecomdash to send order information to ShipStation. Finally, the ShipStation App allows Ship Station to perform inventory management. When installed, the app gives ShipStation access to the quantity of your products stored in ecomdash. This guide covers how to install the ShipStation App for inventory management.
1. Gather your API Key & Secret- Within ShipStation, head to Account Settings (the gear icon in the upper right).
2. If you already have your API Key & Secret, you do not need to Regenerate API Keys. You can use the keys already created. If you need to generate new information, click the green Generate New API Keys button to create a unique Key & Secret for your account.
3. In your ecomdash navigate to Settings > App Store. Locate the ShipStation app, click "Info", then "Subscribe". Once subscribed you will see the ShipStation app in the My Apps section.
4. Launch the app from the My Apps tab to set up the integration. You will need to copy and paste your ShipStation API Key & Secret into the appropriate fields. Click Generate Key and Save.
5. In ShipStation, you may need to link Ecomdash to your Ship From locationsin ShipStation. Navigate to Account Settings > Shipping > Shipping. From Locations, select Edit next to your Shipping From Location, click the dropdown menu next to Inventory Source, choose Ecomdash, and Save Changes. Please repeat for all Ship From Locations.
6. Your available inventory levels will display on your orders. Click on an order number to open the Order Details. You’ll see the Ecomdash inventory levels next to the Order Items listed.
7. You can also use the Sidebar to find the inventory levels by hovering over the ecomdash logo under the order item quantity
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