Once a sales order has been moved to the Shipping section of ecomdash the order is no longer able to be edited. If an order needs to be edited in any sort of way, the order will be to be reprocessed. This action will remove the order from the Shipping section of ecomdash, and bring the order back to the Paid section where it can be edited. Keep in mind any labels that were generated within this shipment will also be cancelled when the order is reprocessed. To reprocess an order follow the steps provided below:
- Navigate to Sales> All Sales
- Search for Order #(s) that needs to be reprocessed
- Select Order(s) by selecting the small box next to the order # on the left hand side
- Navigate to Bulk actions > Reprocess
Now the order has been moved back to the Paid Order section. You can find the order by navigating to Sales> Paid> Searching order #.
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