In ecomdash, a Kit is an inventory item that has its quantity directly assigned from the available quantity of one or more components. Kits are constructed from a Kit SKU and one or more Component SKUs.
Kits have many uses in ecomdash. Some examples are listed below:
Bundles: Kits can be used to sell bundles of different products grouped together for easy selection. Consider the example "Camping 101". This Kit is composed of 4 already existing standalone SKU's. If a customer purchased the "Camping 101" from one of your storefronts, they would receive 1 Coleman Road Trip Propane Portable Grill LXE, 1 8Pcs Camping Cookware Kitchen Utensil Organizer Travel Set, 1 Camping Self Inflating Sleeping Pad with Attached Pillow, and 1 ALPS Mountaineering Lynx 4 Person Tent. The Available Quantity of the Kit is 3. This is based on the inventory level of the component with the lowest amount of available quantity. In this case, the limiting component is the Coleman Road Trip Propane Portable Grill LXE. Bundles are useful when creating packages of products that are commonly purchased together. The price of a kit can be customized and is not directly tied to the price of each component. This enables you to provide incentive pricing for bundled purchases if you wish to do so.
Multi-Packs: Kits can be used to sell multi-packs of a single item. In this example, SKU 01051911 represents a 3 Folding Camping Chair with a Carrying Bag. This Kit consists of component SKU: 0000-15134, a single Chair, and included 3 units of that SKU. Since there are 30 units of SKU: 0000-15134 available and each kit contains 3 units, the Quantity of SKU 01051911 is 8 because SKU 0000-15134 has a reserved level of 5 units. A single component can be contained withing multiple kits, so you can create several different multi-pack quantities for the same component. Like with bundles, Kit price can be customized allowing you provide incentive pricing for Kits if you choose to.
Multiple Listings on the Same Storefront: Storefronts will only support one listing per SKU. This can be problematic if you would like to list the same product multiple times with different keywords, titles, or descriptions to ensure you are marketing the product appropriately. To get around the one SKU requirement, you can place a single component into multiple kits and list the kits with unique SKUs and marketing language. In the example below, there are 2 Kits, "Test Kit 1" and "Test Kit 2". Each Kit is composed of 1 unit of SKU 50041. Since both kits have the same component, a customer that orders Kit 2 would receive the same product as a customer that ordered Kit 1. Each Kit would share the same quantity level and a sale for one Kit would automatically reduce the quantity of other Kits containing the same component.
Click here for more information on Creating Kits or Creating Kits in Bulk
Click here for a video on Kits
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