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Release Notes: 05/31/2018



  • Official comment

    Thank you for all the feedback. 

    Carla, the shipping cost information is absolutely something we want to add to the Active Listings page in a future update. 

    Jacob, the changes made to the listing tool in ecomdash were designed to remove some of the steps previously required. We would be happy to hear more in regards to the issues you are experiencing.

    Thanks again!

  • Broc curry

    Very excited for this. Looking forward to giving it a try.

  • Carla Geraldi

    I was looking forward to see the shipping cost on Active Listings, :(

  • Jacob Harari

    I dont think this new listing workflow helps. If anything I think it makes it even more difficult. Too many pages to navigate to to get something listed. 

    Not a fan

  • Joe / NutriActiva

    OMG so happy about the fixes to sending kits to FBA, and FBA internal transfers.  Scratch off a few of those pesky workarounds. Keep up the good work!  

  • Rcbearings Paul

    I would still like a global inventory quantity update.  Amazon seems to have quantities listed that are not correct and we have 2000 listings with them!  Takes WAY too long to update those.

  • Kapp studio

    Ben - Thank you! Great changes and great communication! Tell the team congratulations and keep up the good work! 



  • Dustan

    hope the tall rows are temporary with it showing the Amazon logo and Amazon link making less orders fit per page. Also seems the icons would be better on the left hand side could nest right under the view link

  • Owen Phillips


    I Cannot select ebay condition therefore cannot list anything new.  Also ebay categories are missing.  Seems categories Start w Computers/Tablets & Networking  I sell in Clothing (45246,155189).  I tried with Chrome and Firefox.

    Also when you clone a product the main image on the left covers the new product Data fields.

  • Broc curry

    I still feel that Ecomdash is extremely bulky. I do not understand why I have to click through multiple pages to make listing for each storefront. It takes me so long to enter a single product. 


    It would be helpful if all of the storefronts were on one page with a few simple fields to fill out. In my case price, sku, condition. 


    The inventory manager that I currently use does this. From one page I can set the price and condition of a single sku for multiple storefronts including Amazon and Ebay and then with one click the items are published. 


    I feel like Ecomdash has a lot of potential but at least for me (I sell media related items) it take way to long to list a single item. Currently using Ecomdash it takes approx 15 minutes for me to get one item listed on Ebay, Amazon, my POS (vend) and my webstore (shopify). With my current inventory manager I can list all of this in 15-20 secords. 


    Maybe I am not using the inventory manager correctly? 


    It is odd that I first list to an inventory manager to build the product and then I have to go to a listing manager to publish for each storefront. Again I could be just doing this incorrectly but to me this leaves lots of room for errors, mistakes and items that just do not even actually get listed. I have over 50,000 skus so its important on my end to have the process as streamlined as possible. 



  • Ben

    Hey Owen,

    Thank you for reaching out! Our tech team is investigating these issues for you now. Moving forward, if you run into any similar issues please reach out to so that we can get a ticket created which also gives us the ability to quickly reach out once a fix has been implemented. 

    Thanks again,

  • Andrew Kamchi

    It just seems like ECD gets more complicated, things get moved around, instruction sets are lacking, etc. Beyond frustrating, and now because things only get more involved, a lot of time have to be put into figuring out how to use the things that are supposed to make my life easier / quicker. On hold for a support window now.

  • Jacob Harari



  • Ben

    Hi Andrew,

    We would be happy to hear specific feedback regarding the recent changes to the software. You can schedule a call with us by clicking the question mark icon in the top right, email us at, or you can chat with us by clicking the green Support button within the software. 


  • Andrew Kamchi

    So I just finished my support chat, and 2 things. It confirmed that the instruction set that I was trying to follow wasn't clear, and I was told that a future update is coming to allow the bulk upload of changes regarding todays particular issue to be made through a spreadsheet.

    I have been banging the drum to ECD for years now that I, and I am sure, many others, do not want to have to manage everything via spreadsheet! This is incredibly tedious, and it would be nice if more features / functionality were made available in a straight forward manner, via the web interface. It really doesn't have to be this complicated! 

  • Ben

    Hey Andrew,

    We apologize for any confusion but the bulk edit feature that will allow you to assign Listing Profiles to products in bulk with actually be within the UI, not via csv file. Again we apologize for the misinformation and we appreciate you reaching back out.


  • josh

    Ecomdash rocks. I am so impressed how you guys and girls continue to scale this platform and add new feachers. 

  • Chris

    Hi, thank you for adding the submit all listing revisions button to update pricing.  There is an issue with it.  When you push it, it submits any listing that it thinks needs a revision.  I think it would be better if it submitted all the revisions for what is filtered.  If no filter is set, then it can submit everything.  For example, if you filter active listings by Amazon store and Widgets tag, and you come up with 5 pages of listings.  Submit all listing revisions should only submit the revisions for those 5 pages rather than every listing for every store.  This messes with repricing software that is used for Amazon and eBay for me.  Also, I agree with the listings workflow now making it more difficult.  Before, at the product level, you would be able to edit listing requirements without creating a draft listing.  For instance, you are unable to edit certain fields once a draft is created.  Before, everything could be edited prior to creating a draft.  Also, on the Import/Export feeds formats, you are no long able to edit the column number since the ABC etc was added.  The letters for the columns is much better, but it would be nice to be able to add a new attribute, but edit the Z to an A for example rather than having to click the up button multiple times.  Before, you could just edit the number by clicking on it.  There is also still an issue with Walmart listings.  It fails most of the time when you just try to submit a price.  It also is not downloading all listings from Walmart.  I upload them manually to Walmart so they don't fail, but ecomdash is not importing all of the new ones.  With all that said, I really appreciate the addition of the new features!  It's nice to see that you are taking suggestions to heart from us!  Thank you!

  • Andrew Kamchi

    Hi Broc Curry, perhaps you can set up a call with ECD support / Ben Rorick to go over this issue. This is one of many things that are currently / have been discussed for years regarding ease of work flow, and the ever complicated nature of the user interface / functionality. I basically use ECD as a multi-channel inventory manager for quantities on multiple marketplaces and nothing else, and I still have over sells, inaccurate quantities, etc etc etc. For the price, it (barely) does what I need, but it continues to frustrate. It is so easy to look at / incorporate some elements of what other companies are doing successfully, but it just doesn't seem to happen. It is usually 'here is a step forward for you guys', and then we have to take 1.5 steps back. Yes, we may get added functionality, but many times it causes a lot more time / energy to work with it, or other issues are caused by using it.

    I have seen this several times in the past when the founders of a company reach their max ability to contribute to the product they initially created, and then it is time to bring on other people who can bring the platform to the next level. There are some serious UX / UI needs for ECD, and I believe it is time to hire someone from the outside who can take it to the place it needs to be in the name of usability. Just look at the light blue / white font combo on the buttons. This is a terrible combination, but was lauded as an improvement for the end user. I have seen several redesigsn over the years, and none of them look good. I tested out platforms before coming to ECD years ago that had a refined and modern look / feel. Back to what is currently in place. Who came up with this? Who tested it with users? Who is keeping this in place? How long will it take for feedback to be rendered in order to be motivated to make the changes needed? Just look at the feedback in shopify, one of the largest platforms in the world. Many of the reviews are recent and they are consistent: - this is a very constructive resource. They didn't come to ECD to post feedback, they put it on shopify. Is anyone at ECD reading this / making changes based on it?

    I say all of this this not because I am against ECD. To the contrary, I have been here for many years and want ECD to be the best. I would pay more to achieve that, gladly. Yes, I am frustrated, and sadly, I am losing hope and faith that what is needed will happen. ECD, can something be done? Do you need a higher monthly fee to get there? Let me know. At this point, I will do anything to achieve my desired goals with you.

  • Jacob Harari

    heres to hoping things get a little easier in this weeks release


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