Listing Profiles are customizable groups of listing information that can easily be applied to multiple products. If your business involves products that share listing elements, you can store pre-built Listing Profiles to add the common information to multiple products easily. When used, Listing Profiles can save time and effort during the listing process.
1. Navigate to Settings > Listing> Listing Profiles.
2. Select the Storefront that you would like to create a profile for and click Add Profile.
3. Name your Listing Profile so you can easily identify it later and Save.
4. New fields for use in the Listing Profile will be visible. The fields displayed will vary based on the Storefront selected in
5. The information you set will be saved as part of the Listing Profile. Click Save Profile when complete to save the profile for use later.
Additional Information
- You can have multiple Listing Profiles for each storefront, however, only one Profile can be applied to each listing at a time.
- You do not need to complete all fields on the Listing Profile, just the fields you would like the profile to populate automatically.
1 comment
this is going to save so much time! thank you!
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