Global Attributes allow you to set default values in your listings, cutting down on data entry as you only have to fill in the values once. They will be applied when you draft a "NEW listings only". If you are looking to update active listing, navigate to listing>listing management>active listing and click Action>View next to the listing you want to update.
To set your Global Attributes
1. Navigate to Products > All Products
2. Locate the product you want to update.
3. Click Action> View to go into the product details.
4. Click Manage Listing in the top right corner.
5. Enter Information for Global Listing Attributes
6. Click close then Action>Save
To set these values in bulk through a listing download:
1.Navigate to Products > Active Listings > Download Listings
2. Choose the channel you would like to download from and choose the channel you would set the global attributes from.
3. Click "Submit".
This will download your listings from that channel and set the global attributes based on that channel information. This will be used if you would like to use, for example, eBay's attributes as your global attributes. Then when you queue up a listing for Shopify for example, it will pull eBay's information for your Shopify listings.
To set these in bulk through a .CSV file upload:
1. Create an import format under Settings > Inventory Format Settings > Manual Import Format
2. Click Add New
3.Fill in the Name of your Import.
4.Warehouse and Storefronts should remain "all" for setting global attributes, you will only change one of those if your attributes are more specific to a Storefront or Warehouse.
5. Click Add Attribute and make sure first selection is SKU Number
6. Filter by selecting Format Type picking Gloabl Attributes and select your attributes from there
7. Both your .CSV file and import format columns should match exactly.
8. Navigate to the Lightning Bolt Icon > Upload Inventory
9. Choose your Import Format and .csv file
10. For the option "If SKU on your file matches a SKU already in inventory, what would you like ecomdash to do?", you will choose "overwrite existing product details with file".
11. Click the blue "Upload" button.
What fields are included in "Global Attributes" and where do I see the attributes I have previously set ????
The Global Attributes are Sold as Name, Price, Condition, Short Description, Listing Description. They can be seen by clicking in a product in All Products then click Manage Listings.
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