Ecomdash supports the ability to create, manage, and list variation products on many of our integrated storefronts. See this guide for more information on the Variation Listing Process. As part of this process, you'll need to create Parent/Child Relationships within ecomdash. This guide explains how to create these relationships in bulk.
1. Navigate to Settings > Bulk Import/Export > Manual Import Formats
2. Locate the pre-built Bulk Parent-Variation Import Format.
3. Click Actions > Preview to download a template.
4. Add information about your products to the file. Column A represents the Parent Product's SKU Number. Column B represents the name of the Parent Product. Column C Represents the Child or Variant SKU Number. Each Child SKU will need to be listed on it's own line.
5. Once your file is complete, upload the file using the Bulk Parent-Variation Import Format to create built products.
- If you do not have a parent you would like to use in your inventory already, simply put the new parent's SKU and Name in this file and a new Parent will be created.
- Column "B" should have the corresponding Names of the Parent SKU's you have in column "A".
- Column "C" should have the Child SKU that you wish to group under the Parent SKU you have in column "A".
- If you want to assign multiple children to a Parent SKU, you will put the same Parent SKU in the next row under column "A" with the additional Child SKU in column "C". (See example below)
- From the "If SKU matches existing inventory..." drop down choose the "Overwrite..." option
- Make sure you have checked the box to "Create new product if SKU does not match".
- Once the upload is complete, you can navigate to Products > All Products and use the All Inventory drop down menu to see all your Parent Products which should include the products you just uploaded.
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