Release Notes 5/14/2020
PlannedWith each software release, our team strives to continually grow our product to fit your needs. As you may notice, many of these additions were selected from our Feature Request section where our users have been posting their feedback on the software.
We want you to be in the know with what we are changing, so here is your inside scoop to all things new and improved with ecomdash this month!
Variation Listing Support for WooCommerce: You’ve asked and we’ve listened, ecomdash now supports Variation Listing for WooCommcerce!
Listing Profile Overwrites: In this release we have updated the way you apply Listing Profiles. Now in ecomdash you can choose to overwrite the information found within your listing with the information found in a listing profile.
Bulk Variation Relationship Removal: In this release, we have created a default import format that can be used to remove the parent/child relationship in bulk via a file upload.
Listing Defaults Removal: In this release, we have changed the location where you would find your storefront specifics and your company information that goes into a listing. The storefront specifics (ex. eBay Business Policies) can now be found within the storefront details, and your company defaults (ex. About us) can be found in the listing templates module.
Mobile App
- Ecomdash mobile app version 3.5 is now available on the Apple App Store.
Bug Fixes
- Pick List generation has been updated so errors should no longer occur.
We have also updated all of our guides to reflect the new UI changes.
We are continuing to work through the great feedback provided in our Feature Request community forum and will continue to post updates here to let you know what has been implemented.
As always, please reach out to if you have any questions.
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