A Serialization Field is the unit level information you would like to track for a product, like Serial Number, Lot Number, or Expiration Date.
1. Navigate to Settings> Inventory> Serialization.
2. Click "New Field" to add a Serialization Field.
Note: If this is your first time creating a Serialization Field, you will need to create a Serialization Profile first.
3. Name the Serialization Field and specify the type of value this field will represent
4. Repeat this process until all necessary Fields have been created.
5. Once your Serialization Fields have been created, you'll need to create a Serialization Profile to assign the appropriate serialization fields to the corresponding inventory items.
1 comment
this seems too complicated. there should be a check box that says TRACK SERIAL NUMBERS and when a PO is being received with those items, or a work order or internal transfer to FBA is being created a pop up should come up and make us input the serial numbers before we can move forward
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