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How Do I Apply a Price Markup in Ecomdash?



  • Justin

    This is a good start - to make it useful, however, you would need to allow the calculation of shipping costs (even a fixed field would be better than nothing).  Shipping is the single largest variable - a percentage above the cost of an item means nothing if the shipping cost of the same item can exceed 50+% of cost.

    That $10 cost item in the example could have a shipping cost of $3 or $8.  There's no way a flat percentage markup will cover that spread and still be useful.

  • This is a great features. But what would make it better is to allow a minimum price increase and/or the ability to increase by dollar amount instead of Percentage.

  • Joe / NutriActiva

    Very nice feature I actually assumed a software like this would have from the beginning, so glad it's finally here.  So let's say I set all the pricing to be same as global price, if I change the global price do I have to resubmit all the listings for it to take effect?  


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