Ecomdash allows you to easily apply a percentage based markup to your products so your storefront price can be set quickly and easily. Markups are applied using listing profiles. Click here for more information on Listing Profiles.
When creating your Listing Profile, there is a section for Price Markup Rules. Here, you can specify your Price Source and specify the markup percent you would like to apply.
For Source, you can select from the following: Storefront Price, Retail Price, MSRP, MAP, Wholesale Price, Global Price, or Cost.
For Price Markup, specify the percentage markup you would like to apply.
For example, assume the Source is Cost and the cost of the item is $10.00. If Price Markup is set to 100, ecomdash would set the Storefront Price to $10.00. If cost is $10.00 and Markup is set to 50, ecomdash would set the Storefront Price to $5.00. If cost is $10.00 and Markup is set to 200, ecomdash would set the Storefront Price to $20.00.
Once your markup has been specified on the Listing Profile, apply the profile to your draft or active listing and submit revisions if necessary to update the price on the storefront.
This is a good start - to make it useful, however, you would need to allow the calculation of shipping costs (even a fixed field would be better than nothing). Shipping is the single largest variable - a percentage above the cost of an item means nothing if the shipping cost of the same item can exceed 50+% of cost.
That $10 cost item in the example could have a shipping cost of $3 or $8. There's no way a flat percentage markup will cover that spread and still be useful.
This is a great features. But what would make it better is to allow a minimum price increase and/or the ability to increase by dollar amount instead of Percentage.
Very nice feature I actually assumed a software like this would have from the beginning, so glad it's finally here. So let's say I set all the pricing to be same as global price, if I change the global price do I have to resubmit all the listings for it to take effect?
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