After creating a shipping order for a sales order that you would like to ship, the order will be located under Shipments > Merchant > Shipping Options. This is where you will fill in all information to generate a label for your order. If you do not see any rates based on the information you have entered, please confirm the following:
1. Confirm all values are populated such as the weight, shipper, package type and confirmation.
2. Confirm you have selected an integrated shipper such as USPS Endicia, USPS, FedEx (integrated), UPS (integrated) and DHL. If you choose a shipper other than the ones listed above, you will only see a tracking # section. This means this shipper is not integrated to print shipping labels.
3. Click Actions> View.
4. Confirm the address that was entered is in the correct fields. For example, Street Line 1 is populated instead of Street line 2.
5. Confirm you have entered a ship from location for your account under Administration -> Company details.
6. Try selecting a different package type or entering a different weight to see if any rates return.
7. If you are using UPS or FedEx to generate a label, please confirm you have the customer's email address populated within the order details.
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