In the event you would like to connect a single product in ecomdash with multiple listings on a storefront, you can utilize the kitting features of ecomdash. This allows each listing to contain unique listing information like search terms, key words, pricing, or shipping options while still reducing the inventory from a common source when a customer purchases the item.
1. Navigate to Products > All Products and locate the product you would like to create multiple listings for. Take note of the SKU Number, as you will need it during the next steps.
2. In All Products, click Add New > Kit to Create a new Kit. Click here for more info on creating kits.
3. Once you have assigned this kit a Kit Name and SKU#, save and go to the Components tab and click Add Products.
4. Select the product you identified in Step 1
3. Repeat Step 2 once for each additional listing you would like to create for this product. If you are creating two listings, you'll need two Kits. If you are creating five listings, you'll need five Kits.
4. Once you have created the appropriate number of Kits, if these are items you still need to list, you'll need to create a draft for each kit. Locate the Kits under Products > All Products, click the Draft Listings button, then Publish those Drafts.
5. Once the Kits have been published, you will see a separate listing for each kit on your storefront.
6. Any future quantity changes will be managed directly at the component level. Changes to listing information will be made at the Kit level.
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